
Tips to stay productive while working from home

Tips to stay productive while working from home
April 2, 2020 | Uncategorized

Corona virus pandemic has left us with a new challenge – working from home, full-time for the first time. While we are left with no say in this matter, it is wise to follow being in quarantine and getting used to working from home for our own safety. While social distancing is the key to keep the spreading pandemic at bay, social beings may find it difficult to stay productive during isolation. With plenty of other factors such as family – especially kids, pets, daily chores, change in routine amidst other hassles challenging you on a daily basis, working from home could become a real hustle for some people.

So here are some tips that will help you stay productive while working from home.

Stick to a daily routine

Key to making working from home, work is having a routine and sticking onto it no matter what. Schedule time for waking up, having breakfast, starting your work, taking breaks in between, working hours and sleeping hours. Similarly, chart a separate schedule for your other daily chores, family time, personal time, exercise, etc. Don’t panic if you can’t keep up with the schedules, initially. Just give it some time to get used to and believe in the process while everything falls into place.

Create your own personal workspace

Experts say that you can be more productive once you set up an office-like ambiance while working from home. Some even say that merely dressing up in your working attire, can work wonders. It sounds like a joke but psychologically it is said to have positive impacts – as it mentally prepares you to get ready to work. Many who doesn’t have a home office, can set up a temporary area as a workstation – with nothing else but a laptop, files, calendar, clock and basically anything and everything your office desk has.

Take short breaks

While it’s good to stick onto a schedule, work shouldn’t become monotonous. Take regular breaks just like the ones you take while at the office. Research says that taking short breaks in between, just to stretch, walk or take yourself off of the computer screen is very important to keep up your productivity levels. Take coffee and lunch breaks just like you do at the office during the day hours, this is important for your mental health as well.

Talk to your colleagues

While e-mails and Whatsapp messages seem like a faster means of communication in work culture, during work at home, talking to your colleagues or better, video calling them can put you more at ease. Even if you’re introverted and don’t like much of socializing, try this, in order to maintain a healthy relationship with your colleagues.

Take care of your mental health

Last but definitely not least, keep your mental health a priority. While the news may seem crowded with recent stories on the pandemic, do not panic. Talk to someone that you care about daily about what bothers you. This is important for people who stay alone during isolation. A relaxed mind can yield as more productive – always keep that in mind.

Maintain a work-life balance

Keep to strict working hours and dedicate the rest of your time to yourself. Separate your personal and work time. Use your personal time to focus on your family and yourself. Engaging in chores and activities together can improve your health and relationships. For instance, have family movie nights, dinner nights, game nights. Parents can take turns in watching over their kids and doing household chores..

Things to keep in mind while on quarantine:

  • Clean your home, especially if you have kids or pets.
  • Maintain safe distancing when you are out for grocery shopping. Try and stock up the essentials so that you won’t have to go out often.
  • Stocking up essentials doesn’t mean panic buying. Buy more vegetables and fruits and only the essentials.
  • Remember to wash your hands thoroughly using soap or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer the moment you step in from outside. Don’t touch your face or anyone or any surfaces unless you wash your hands first.
  • Try exercising, yoga or meditation. This will keep your body and mind healthy and happy.

Stay positive. Keep in mind that together, we can and we will overcome this pandemic. Stay focused on your work and yourself and you will climb heights of success.

So tell us what keeps you motivated in working from home. Share interesting stories on how you turned your work-life balance to work-life brilliance. Drop your stories in the comments and we will be delighted to pass them on.

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