
Legal tips for buying agricultural land in India

Legal tips for buying agricultural land in India
August 21, 2019 | Construction

The primary step towards building your dream home always starts with buying land – the one that best fits your interests. And if you are planning to buy property and have your eyes set on an agricultural land as the most fitting setting for your dream home, make sure that there are no legal disputes or hassles over the land before you get on board.

Understand that various states in India follow various procedures for the purchase of agricultural land. For instance, in Kerala, anyone can purchase agricultural land. There are almost no or very limited restrictions. But in some other states like Karnataka, only registered farmers are entitled to buy agricultural land. Therefore, before jumping into buying agricultural land, one should be familiar with the rules of the respective states and also consider getting done the below-mentioned aspects effectively so as to avoid any legal hassles in future.

Title deed of the land plot

It verifies the name of the seller and his right to sell the property. If in case, more than one owner exists for the land, a release certificate is mandatory from the listed owners, before registration of the documents under the supervision of a lawyer.


Under a lawyer, the seller and buyer drafts and signs a written agreement that states the cost, advance payment made and the time or period of sale etc.

Stamp duty on the land

Stamp duties are government-imposed taxes on a property which are mandatory. It varies from state to state. It is also a valid proof of ownership in front of the court of law.

Registration of the land

A document stating the transfer of property onto the buyer’s name, signed by both parties is recorded at the registrar’s office. House tax receipts, an original title deed, and previous deeds, in the presence of two witnesses, are mandatory at the time of registration.

Conveyance deed/Sale deed of the land

A Conveyance/Sale deed is a document that bears the ownership of the property amongst other details such as measurement of the plot, boundary details etc.

Encumbrance certificate

This document can be obtained from the sub-registrar’s office and is a valid proof that tells the land has no legal duties or complaints.

Tax receipts and bills

The buyer should ensure that there are no outstanding notices or requests relating to the property, including any water, electricity or other bills mainly taxes.

Changing the title of the land

Once the entire legal procedures are completed, the name of the new owner of the property is added to the village office record.

Agricultural to Non-Agricultural Land Conversion Certificate

Make sure that the plot you are buying is not an agricultural land. If found so, make sure that you get a conversion certificate issued from revenue authorities. A no-objection certificate or NOC from the township is also mandatory to avoid future legal mishaps.

Above all, make sure that you get a lawyer involved, check previous land records and buy the property from a trusted seller. And when it comes to fulfilling your dream home requirements, you can always count on partnering with Kalyan Developers – the best builders in kerala as your trusted builder.

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